The regulatory framework for money service business in Hong Kong is complex and far-reaching in the way that company background and day-to-day operations are closely scrutinized and monitored by the dedicated authority at an internationally accepted standard. This helps uphold Hong Kong as an all-time international financial center.
As a socially responsible corporate citizen, we have committed an enormous amount of time, energy and resource to aspire to the highest standard of ethical and legal compliance in all aspects of our operation. Our compliance system and procedure are carefully designed, honorably operated and constantly reviewed by seasoned compliance professionals. Not only can this system ensure our compliance with all aspects of applicable rules and regulations but it also helps assure the integrity of monies entrusted to us by our clients.
Before establishing a business relationship with us, you shall first experience how earnest we are in our client acceptance procedure. This is to ensure all of your fellow clients upholding the high ethical and legal standards as you do. Our compliance system adopts a risk-based approach to perform continuous monitoring and periodic review of client activities and transactions. This gives you a seamless sense of security when benefitting from the amenity of our services.
Our dedicated client service team stands ready to make your experience with our compliance process hassle-free.